The action plan 2014-2017 of the Personalized Psychiatry Section envisages these activities:

  • Creating a specific website that will allow to exchange scientific information among members and with general population with the aim to increase the awareness in personalized psychiatry model. The website will be also an instrument for the promotion of publications, educational materials, congresses, grants and so on.
  • Creating a network between psychiatrists interested in the field to potentiate scientific and clinical activities related to personalized psychiatry. Promoting and conducting of international collaborative research projects.
  • Developing themes for intersectional collaboration and starting some joint intersectional projects.
  • Organizing sessions at WPA meeting and other scientific meetings on personalized psychiatry.
  • Awarding young scientist with Poster Awards during WPA and senior scientist with Lifetime Achievement Awards.
  • Developing:
    • Information / educational leaflets for general public
    • Updates for WPA website
    • Slides / educational material for professionals
    • Slides / Educational material for medical students
    • Suggestions for curriculum development for trainees in Psychiatry
    • Section Guidelines / consensus statements